Sunday, November 28, 2010


So, as a modern woman I have been thinking about bikini waxing. Of course, as a modern woman, I employed the great and mighty Googles in my research work (Note: I definitely refrained from searching images). I found some interesting information.

First, what are the options for a bikini wax? There are basically three options from what I can tell.

  • bikini - for the “Modest”…hair is removed that extends outside of the panty line or crease of thigh.
  • Brazilian bikini - for the “Wild”…all hair is removed including backside.
  • modified bikini - for the “Adventuresome”…a thin strip of hair is left down the middle of the bikini area (a.k.a. a “landing strip”).

If you want to search wikipedia, there are photos that show all three of these options as well as another photo titled “natural” (or something like that) for comparison. I’m not posting those!

Second, in this research I came across some curious new trends.

  • Vajazzling:  The bedazzler might come to mind. Well, that’s not too far off.  This is a “vaginal adornment” – for the exterior, that is. Yep, rhinestones are applied in a design to a just-waxed pubic area.  I have no idea why someone would do this nor do I have any thoughts on how one’s partner might react upon encountering a vajazzled hoo-hoo.
  • Vattoos: Temporary vaginal tattoos – you know, another way to accessorize the newly bald area…  From what the interweb tells me, vattoos “are generally done post-Brazilian wax (you need a ‘clean canvas’ for the artist). They're applied a few inches above your actual girlie bits, and the airbrush-and-stencil ‘vat’ washes away after a week.”

Third, there were also more serious thoughts on the general trend towards hairlessness. 

  • The Psychology Today web site has a “Sexuality Today” blog and on this blog I found a November 2010 post entitled, “Contemporary Sexuality and the Brazilian Wax.” The post asked some interesting questions about why recent generations are disgusted with body hair, which includes the oiled, hairless-chested male models as much as the women with bald vaginas.  Taking the discussion a bit further, the author lamented that the “efforts [of previous generations] to encourage young women to celebrate their bodies come to this - to their having to alter them so their partners won't be disgusted? This can't be progress.”  This hadn’t occurred to me but is a question worth asking.
  • A article provides some insight as to what it’s like to be one who does the waxing.  Whether or not one has had a wax, one has likely thought how odd it must be to have a job where you look at panty areas all day. 

I’m not going to comment on whether or not I actually walked into the waxing studio and took the next step. I just thought others would be interested in the research.

1 comment:

  1. Hmm, I have always wondered if women get waxed for their own benefit or to benefit their partner(s). I think I'm in the Psychology Today camp, wondering why men are interested in being with women who have the genitals of an 8-year old.
