Sunday, January 11, 2009


In the past few days I have been discussing the Israeli-Palestine/Hamas conflict with a variety of people. A good 70% know very little about the topic in general. About 29% are sympathetic to Israel. The remaining 1% are sympathetic to Palestine. I came across a New York Times op-ed that gave a brief but informative rundown of some key points most people are unaware of:

What You Don’t Know About Gaza



  1. Be careful, G, and you might become a radical! ;) Professor Khalidi is a much respected historian in my book (and several others) but totally seen as a radical (some even say terrorist) when it comes to this subject.

  2. I hear you on that. It seems like anyone that shows any sympathy towards Palestine is a radical. But Jimmy Carter's book "Peace Not Apartheid" was pro Palestine and he sure did catch heck for that.

  3. Oh totally. It is amazing how people will be anti-semitic but in total support of Israel. That kills me.
