Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Night encounter

(at least one of you has probably heard this story already)
So last night I woke up at around 3:00am and my left arm and shoulder were wet! I put my hand down on the bed to prop myself up and the sheet was wet. There was this smell...like cat bile!!! My cat threw up on me. Of course, when I informed Sandy of this event he insisted I was probably just sweating. He believed me once I pulled the sheet back and found the gooey evidence. I know this is gross but imagine you slept through your cat throwing up basically next to your left ear but later awoke to find the product on you.

This is the most recent photo of the furry culprit:


  1. After I burst out loud with laughter, I then felt guilty and sorry for you, for it has sorta happened to me. Jackie vomits in the middle of the night besides the bed, I wake up to her lovely vomit sound, and I get up immediately to clean it so Will doesn't have *yet* another reason to hate the cat, and I step in it. That is fun too.
