Wednesday, January 26, 2011



Yep, this is a public service announcement.  Specifically, this post is bringing to your attention the power of a compliment

When someone pays you a compliment, it’s not so much just that you have some satisfaction of knowing that you are doing something well (or whatever the case may be), but it’s even more that someone noticed you.  In our very distracted world, having someone actually see you, let alone appreciate something about you, feels rare.

I received a surprising but pleasant compliment tonight and I’ve been feeling good for a few hours from that.  It makes me think that we all (including myself) need to notice people more often and let them know.  Ok so this is coming post-yoga, which may explain some of the “love everyone” vibe.

Anyway, if you need help coming up with compliments, I found The Surrealist Compliment Generator.   So feel reassured that you can turn to this tool the next time you are staring longingly into the eyes of someone you adore.  You can tell them something like this (from the Generator):

I find your eye sockets to be a wondrous amusement park of neo-plastic pleasures and oncogenic delights.

Also, if you want to take care of complementing several people at once, you might think about something like this:


That concludes this Public Service Announcement.  Oh, by the way, you are special and I like you.

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