Thursday, March 19, 2009

All this virtual communication

I've been wondering in the past few days about the value of personal (i.e. non-news) blogs, facebook, twitter, etc. Are we training ourselves in the art of superficial communication?

100 years ago people were still putting their thoughts down on paper - pages and pages of paper. The writers of these letters wrote paragraphs and not one line status updates or links to news articles that convey their politics. I do all of these things so I'm not persecuting anyone but just pondering. I guess this really came to mind because I want to blog about Dave's death and the idea of family and the concept of home and my experiences with these things. I want to go on and on and let it all out but it seems it's never appropriate in our society, a society that puts on a happy face and expresses rage on the road.

Status update: Genevieve is feeling depressed.

1 comment:

  1. There's a two sided sword here. On one end, the internet can be just a surfer's entertainment, reading the post with interest and maybe being touched for a moment before moving on to check a friend's status update. On the other hand, the internet is a forum to allow the world to see that there's a hole in the universe.

    But then, how could they not already know? Its so very obvious to you. I'm so very sorry.
