Wednesday, September 17, 2008


So, here we are, in September. September is a lovely month, not my absolute favorite, but it's a good one. The seas of work have calmed for a bit and I actually got out of the office for knitting on the plaza today. On a bench, under a tree it was so nice with the leaves on the trees rustling in the wind and the people going by and I got lucky - no smokers came to the benches upwind of me! I think I appreciate the slow (a.k.a. regular) pace of work after the big storms come through.

I was just reading Best Friends magazine and apparently now is a good time to adopt a dog from a shelter. It seems that across the nation there are more animals being dropped off with the bad economy and people losing their homes and so on. Actually, I just checked out the Dumb Friends League website and if you've ever wanted to adopt a mouse - now is the time! There are lots of them and you can browse on-line! They also have cats and dogs and rabbits and rats and guinea pigs. The rodent pictures are somewhat amusing. I love that they actually photo everyone of them. What's also kind of funny is that the cat pictures have this gray cloth backdrop - very professional. But really, if I could adopt every one of them I would and I'm glad that they League has a great (if amusing) website.

And now for an amusing bit from the youtube "the cat that comes closer but never moves":


  1. I bet that cat is an awesome little mouse killer.

  2. I'll bet it is - I was a little creeped out near the end when it was really close. I mean, jesus, did you see the eyes on that thing!

  3. I know where we can find some mice to test this theory.
