Wednesday, September 8, 2010

* for Dummies

I’m intrigued by the whole “for Dummies” book series, which is billed as a “reference for the rest of us.”  I have to admit, I’ve read Google Apps for Dummies and Knitting for Dummies and am currently going through Photo Shop Elements 8 for Dummies and have been educated by these volumes.  I’m not offended by the “for dummies” part because I was (admittedly) a dummy when it came to Google Apps (and other topics) when I read the book.  There are, however, some “for Dummies” editions that make me laugh.  Some of these include:

  • Weight Loss Surgery For Dummies and Weight Loss Surgery Cookbook For Dummies amaze me because there must be a market for this topic in order to put the effort and resources into creating these books.  I also find it a bit sad that so many people feel like they need to turn to this option.  But this post is not about my opinion on weight loss options.


  • Happiness For Dummies and Success for Dummies are must-have books, which I clearly have not read. If I had only know it was so easy all these years – just get the book!  I can’t wait to read it myself, the blah life has been only somewhat satisfying lately.


  • Existentialism For Dummies is definitely a companion to Happiness For Dummies.  It covers such topics as “Living a meaningful life in a meaningless world” and “Moods are the flavor of life.”  Indeed.



  • Raising Goats for Dummies:  There are lots of animal-based volumes in the for Dummies series – Labradors for Dummies, Beagles for Dummies, Cat Care for Dummies, etc.  But raising goats seems so specific and not pet-oriented.  I’m certainly not saying that there is no value in the book but I was surprised that there is a tome specific to goat raising.

That is all.

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