Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Oktoberfest dogs

I recently attended a fairly lame Oktoberfest in Vail, Colorado. I say lame because it was very small and had no real German flare. I mean the beer offerings were bud, bud light and Beck's. So while Sandy and David, our guest from Texas for the weekend, drank a beer and tried out a variety of meats, I tried to get pictures of small dogs. But first I got this picture of a shop dog hanging in and out of a store:

This one had a wee fountain of hair on its head due to its person putting a rubberband in it.
This one was fairly agreeable but had its tongue sticking out all the time.

This one has a great little doggy fro.This floppy hound was hard to resist.
I got all of these photos while the owners were looking the other way. I didn't want to get into any long conversations about their dogs or the breeds or whatever. I just wanted to pet the dog and get a photo. Success!


  1. What, nothing but pint-sized dogs at this shindig? Poodles (standard or otherwise) do not count.

  2. the small dogs were easier to sneak up on without having to engage owners in conversation.
